Sunday, December 23, 2007

It'll stay retro for a while yet

Saturday 14 April

I've caught up on my diary. Mum's suggestion. It's only 12.16pm and I've spent most of the morning watching Fullmetal Alchemist, equivalent trade, thank you Lester (I'll have to lend him something in return). I've decided again that Japanese anime is crazy but cool. Sometimes anyway. It also just occurred to me that my entries may not be so eloquent any more as the time I have to reflect has gone from ample to nil. This is now. Who also am I writing this to? I need to apologise to Jane for my poor excuse of a letter I wrote her the day before my surgery. What I can't let this become is a stream of conscious thought that doesn't go anywhere. So far I would say I'm not succeeding. The pain isn't so bad, which makes me wonder if I have a high thresh hold. Wish I had gotten Chris' number so we could compare recovery notes but it's back to me on my own.

Sunday 15 April

Not much happened this day. More Fullmetal. More sitting on my ass. Three days in a this little room is already feeling like a cage.

During my attempt to fall asleep last night I was quasi-dreaming/hallucinating I was running but fell and as a result jerked my leg in reaction. The pain was incredible and shocking I think because I was so relaxed. I worried for a little while after that I could have ruptured my new acl but sleep eventually caught me when the pain receded to an acceptable level.

At this point in time my dependence upon others (re: Mum) has returned to it's grating fullest. It is embarrassing and frustrating not being able to rely on yourself to achieve the most menial and basic of tasks. Fortunately I can still wipe my own ass, but getting to and from the toilet to do so is a little circus.

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