Sunday, December 23, 2007

What you forget

Monday 16 April

More boredom, little agency to doing anything creative with my time. I can't say I've had any epiphanies or spiritual thoughts. Another 'massacre' happened in America today/tonight. Turned the TV off as right now it's only going to be the reaction and little much else.

Tuesday 17 April

Hmmmm. Nothing.

Wednesday 18 April

Finished Fullmetal last night. Amazing. When I first began watching I thought the perfect ending would be the brother's ending up apart. However, after watching (existing or living more appropriately) through the series and experiencing the depth of the adversities that the characters faced I wanted a happy ending. Easily one of the best and fullest stories I have witnessed brought to life on screen and a reason to be a part of television production rather than film production. Good TV should in my mind be more alluring and gratifying for the story teller. With production values to rival the GDP of some small nations the freedom to create and develop in television series is unparalleled by movies. I think the rise of film sequels is a kind of unconscious acknowledgement of this truth.

If there was one thing to criticise FMA about it felt like they ended things quickly, rushing to the end instead of taking the time to pay off all that was set up. I'm not asking for complete catharsis and the closure of every narrative element. Instead I wanted to see the sort of confrontation one comes to expect when deftly nuanced characters brought to life through clever story telling and relief through opposition finally cross paths. Hopefully I will be able to write something or be apart of something that is as fully realised and cared for as those involved in Fullmetal obviously cared for what they were creating.

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